Haematological Examinations

Haematological Examinations

Haematological tests: Routine and specialised tests of the peripheral blood (haemogram test) and central blood aid in the detection of haematological conditions such as anaemia, leukaemia, thrombocytopenia etc. as well as infectious diseases such as leishmaniosis, malaria, infectious mononucleosis etc.

Some of the haematological tests we perform

  • Complete blood count + leukocyte count + reticulocyte count + thrombocyte count
  • Central blood examination
  • Thin and thick smear test for malaria
  • Ferritin
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic acid
  • Sideremia
  • Spherocytosis Test
  • Drepanocytosis test
  • Haemoglobin electrophoresis
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

Cell Counter

SIEMENS ADVIA 560 Hematology Systems is an apparatus that offers high accuracy and speed in assessing haemogram parameters

ADVIA 560 measures 20 haemogram parameters including leukocyte differentiation in 5 populations.

Other Examations

We operate with the latest technology in SIEMENS apparatuses and reagents with automatic system that offer accuracy and speed.